The Peen: Hell Week 11.8.10

(Editorial note: Someone buy this man a tampon. Enjoy.)

So. Fuck this week. This week is what I say to fuck off. So this week I assumed would have started off great. my girlfriend was coming back, I was going to have to work a bunch but it was going to turn into a SWEET paycheck. But now, this week can suck a nut. So yeah my girlfriend came back, but something was different, I could tell. I asked her about it and she goes, oh I’m fine and everything is going good. yada yada yada you know that kind of stuff. Well the next day, the day that starts my week that I’m going to be working almost 20 extra hours. she comes over. and says that she doesn’t feel the same way about me anymore. She doesn’t feel like she did when we started dating and she didn’t want to be in a relationship with me anymore. I was almost compeletely blindsided by this. Keep in mind, this is the girl that I thought I was in a great relationship with 2 weeks ago. She doesn’t tell me about what’s going on, she just says “I don’t feel the same way.” I mean, I want to knwo what it was that did this, or why she doesn’t feel the same way, or what I can do to fix it. But, I’ve been there. I’ve been the guy that does this to a girl and when I did this, I didn’t have an answer to give her so I can’t really expect an answer on this one. But seriously, Fuck, it was so out of the blue. I mean, I kinda knew, but I figured that she would atleast talk to me about it, and try to figure out what’s going on and what we could do to fix it. But no dice cochies. So now I’m stuck in this limbo like place where I still have feelings for her, and want her to have feelings for me, but don’t know what I can do to try to get this to work. Fuck it, if it works, it works; if it doesn’t, then well.. it doesn’t. But that was just the start of my week.

By the way, this is going to be my rant of the week, because I really just want to rant to everyone and what better way to do it then by writing it into a blog and then posting it on my facebook.

Anyways, Now for the rest of my week. Rent is due on the 5th. Unfortunetly, I didn’t get paid until the 6th. I told the landlords that I was going to be a little late with rent. Well, since my work schedule is so crazy this week; I asked my roommate, we’ll call him FRO-DO, to turn it in for me over the weekend. He treid to turn the rent in, he said that both days the managers weren’t home. Well this morning, I’m getting ready for work, and I see that my roommate is home laying on the living room couch. I assume that he is just gunna hang out today. well turns out he left while I was getting ready. and he sends me a text saying, “did you see the 72 hour notice?” What! The Fuck! Seriously I don’t understand why I have a notice since they’ve been gone. Really this is not cool. That just adds to my frustration with money problems. What do I mean by this? well lets just say I got a call from a collection agency. WHY? because my tuition bill is apparently in my name, even though my parents pay for it. So now I’ve got a 1300 dollar collections bill in my name just ruining my good name, yes my GOOD name. What the hell? This week is just a shitty week. Lets compare this week to something, just to put it in perspective. Ok, so lets compare it to the OJ trial. this week would kinda be like if OJ lost that trial, but it was only like a little loss. Like, if they were like, OJ didn’t do it, but the glove kinda fits… and if the glove kinda fits… then he kinda did it…Right? Thats kinda how I feel right now. like, I didn’t do anything wrong but because I kinda fit the bill on some of these issues, I get blamed for it. Fuck, this is some shit. But wait, I’m still in a good mood right now. It’s like if OJ had gotten the blame for it, and he went to jail, But then jail turned out to be pretty good. It would be like, jail was the Hilton and he didn’t have to pay; no room service, but still a nice place none the less.

See this is how not giving a fuck about things really changes your outlook on life. I am litterally the happiest I’ve been after a break up, and I don’t really know why I am like this. There are no hard feelings towards her; I mean, I’ve been in her exact situation and I know that she was doing what was good for both of us in the long run. As for the money issues. I don’t really care, they’ll be taken care of when they are taken care of. It’s just a matter of time.

So this entire week gets to be rated on my meter-o-fucks and it gets a 5/10 on the amount of a fuck I give.

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